Worked as an attorney in Groningen (Plas & Bossinade), Alkmaar (Schenkeveld) and Amsterdam (Stibbe). Partner at Bergh, Stoop & Sanders since 2009. She regularly publishes on her area of expertise in professional and daily newspapers and has been on the editorial staff of the specialist journal ArbeidsRecht for many years. Co-founder and for many years secretary of the board of the Vereniging Arbeidsrecht Advocaten Nederland (VAAN). Also member of the Association for Employment Law, the Association for Employment Lawyers Amsterdam Area and of the European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA). Is a deputy judge in the District Court of Noord-Holland.
Wet normering topinkomens
Begeleiden van onderzoeken over ongewenst gedrag
Positie statutair bestuurder
Individuele en collectieve ontslagzaken
Opstellen en beoordelen van arbeidsovereenkomsten, overeenkomsten van opdracht en overige flexibele contracten en reglementen
Gelijke behandelingskwesties
Bergh Stoop & Sanders (2009 – today)
Deputy Judge Noord-Holland District Court (2001 – today)
Stibbe (1994 – 2009)
Schenkeveld (Alkmaar) and Plas & Bossinade (Groningen) (1982 – 1994)
Dutch Law, University of Groningen (1982)
Member of the Supervisory Board of Nederlands Blazers Ensemble
Member of the Appeals Committee/ Disputes Committee Royal Dutch Skating Federation (KNSB)
Petra Charbon has registered the field of employment law in the register of legal areas of the Dutch Bar Association. This registration obliges her to obtain ten training points in this registered area of law every calendar year in accordance with the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.